NRC is dedicated to providing professional counseling based on a Christian worldview. We offer help using the truth
found in the Bible. We are Christians who minister God’s truth and grace. Our goal is to help you encounter new
perspectives (new ideas to reflect on) which results in seeing yourself the way God sees you (your new reflection).
New Reflections Counseling exists to lovingly help people understand and be changed by God’s truth.
We Illuminate a Path Forward
We are Uncompromisingly Christian
We Comfort and Equip
We Provide a Safe Haven for Healing and Growth
At New Reflections Counseling, we open the doors of possibility by cooperating with the life-changing work of the Holy
Spirit so that our clients develop a clear picture of who they are in Christ and pursue God’s purpose in their lives.
We support our clients when life does not seem to make sense, helping them to grow in the character and grace of Jesus
Christ. We use our spiritual gifting to communicate God's truth and grace. We use therapeutic, engaging,
and experiential methods. prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up
until we all reach unity in the faith and knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole
measure of the fullness of Christ.
Ephesians 4:12-13 NIV
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we who with
unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory,
which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3:17-18 NIV
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became
a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to
face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
1 Corinthians 13:11-12 NIV
In addition to providing face-to-face professional counseling in an office setting, NRC
will pursue and develop creative methods of providing therapeutic experiences through the use of technology and other
alternative means such as:
Develop learning labs where clients can discover and experience the solution to their spiritual, mental, and
emotional concerns.
Combine Biblical counseling methods with creative, innovative, and entertaining methods to bring people to greater
understanding of God and themselves.
Use the latest multi-media/internet/software technology to reach the population immersed in it. Develop
therapeutic, engaging, pyscho-educational computer software.
Offer specialized forms of counseling, such as therapy through recreation.
The following statements describe how NRC achieves its mission in the context of its faith when providing counseling
NRC counseling is Christian discipleship. The Gospel is the number one foundational truth, having the most power
to bring true change to a client.
NRC staff are willing vessels for God to use for His purposes; we trust God is present and at work in the
counseling session through the Holy Spirit; we rely on the Holy Spirit to interpret and communicate God’s truth
found in the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit gifts us with spiritual gifts and whatever else is needed so we may
accomplish God’s work.
The counseling process has elements of truthful objectivity and artful application. We use the Scriptures to test
and inform our counseling interventions. The Holy Spirit assists us in using creative ways to communicate the truth
to each unique person.
To heal, clients need both truth and grace; we attempt to communicate God’s truth (confronting) in love
(supporting). To heal, clients need to hear the truth and experience the truth; we attempt to communicate God’s
truth (teaching) and be God’s truth (loving).
We comfort and equip our clients, providing scripturally sound, psychological interventions. We believe the
discipline of psychology (where it doesn’t conflict with Biblical teaching) offers helpful tools and approaches to
promote emotional healing and growth.
Every client is at a unique place in their faith journey; some clients are ready for or benefit from direct
communication of Scripture’s teaching; other clients benefit from communication using everyday words and phrases. We
attempt to intervene in the client’s life using whatever method will most expeditiously help the client develop a
deeper understanding and closer relationship with God.
Counseling works best when relationship precedes confrontation; we seek to develop a relationship with the client
with the goal of earning the right to speak truth into the client’s life; the Holy Spirit helps us discern the
appropriate timing for confronting and supporting.
God uses us, imperfect as we are, to help others who are also imperfect; we don’t know everything; we
recognize the need to be lifetime students of God’s principles.
We need an active, growing faith in order to help clients and we attempt to live out our faith genuinely both in
our personal lives and in our counseling sessions.
We pray with clients and/or for clients as God leads.
Professional counseling is beneficial to the client because it provides an objective and focused environment (as
free as possible from ulterior motives from those you already know).
We anticipate God’s kingdom to be advanced in some way as a result of our effort.
The following core beliefs represent NRC's Christian, Biblical worldview:
The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as originally given of God, are the infallible record of the
perfect, final and authoritative revelation of his work and will, together sufficient in themselves as the rule
of faith and practice.
The one true God, perfect and infinite in his being, holiness, love, wisdom and power; transcendent above the
world as its creator, yet immanent in the world as the preserver of all things; self-existent and self-revealing
in three divine persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who are equal in power and glory. God exists
outside of creation as an absolute standard; God has always existed and always will exist. [Colossians 1:15-18]
Jesus Christ the Eternal Son, revealer the invisible God, became incarnate by virgin birth, lived the perfect
human life upon earth, gave himself in death upon the cross as the Lamb of God bearing sin and its penalty in
our place, was raised and glorified in the body in which he suffered and died, ascended as our only Savior and
Lord into heaven, from whence he will come again personally and visibly to raise and translate his waiting
Church, establish his kingdom fully over all the nations, and be the raiser and judge of the dead.
The Holy Spirit, third person of the Godhead, the divine life-giver and artist in creation, history and
redemption, who indwells, seals, empowers, guides, teaches and perfects all those who become children of God
through Christ. To be saved, you must be born-again (have a conversion experience) and receive the Holy Spirit
as a deposit and guarantee of salvation to come. [John 3:5-8; Ephesians 1:13-14]
Man and woman were the direct creation of God, made in the divine image, and that by transgression became
fallen creatures, alienated from the life of God, universally sinful by nature and practice, and having within
themselves no means of recovery.
Salvation is the free gift of God’s grace, received through personal faith in Jesus Christ, the only way
to God the Father and in whom all those who believe have eternal life, a perfect righteousness, adoption in the
family of God, membership in the body of Christ, and every spiritual blessing needed for life and godliness; but
those who reject the gift of grace in Christ shall be forever separated from the presence of God. Salvation is
available because of God’s grace and realized by faith alone in Jesus’ sacrifice of atonement, not by law or any
other means. [John 3:5-8; 14:6; Romans 3:22-25; Galatians 3:2-25]
Every person has worth because they bear the image of God and because of God’s love for us. We are more than
what we do. Whatever we have done (saintly or sinful) cannot increase or decrease our worth in God’s eyes. Our
worth is independent of age, disability, productivity, and level of physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental
God made man and woman as equals, but not equivalent … of equal value, but not interchangeable. God intended
that both genders are essential as they each provide a distinct contribution, having specialized roles in
creation and life. We believe God hates abortion and divorce and there are natural, negative consequences for
each, but that God forgives and restores as with other times we miss God’s ideal for our lives. We have pro-life
values and believe God intends marriage to be a lifetime commitment, with sexual relations reserved between only
one man and one woman who are married to each other. [Genesis 1:26-27; Titus 3:3-7; Matthew 19:6; Malachi 2:16]
God’s perfect truth and loving grace are the foundation and primary ingredients needed for growth, maturity,
and sanctification. Christian character and conduct are the expression of one’s relationship with Christ and
one’s life in the community of Christ; and therefore Christians are bound to honor Christ’s word, to walk as he
walked, to keep his commandments and ordinances, and thus bear the fruit of the Spirit.